Monday, June 4, 2012

Author's Note

What do I want to do before I die. Now, to some people that's the easiest question in the world, but to others it's one of the hardest. When I was faced with that question I was a bit overwhelmed. I knew that there is so much that I want to accomplish before I die, I just couldn't sit down and think of one thing good enough that was worthy of making it into my bucket list. So I started brainstorming. I thought of all the things that make me happy even if they are a bit out of reach. I think that's the way it's supposed to be though. If everybody strives for the things that come the easiest to them then there would be no real excitement and wonder. Part of having a bucket list is not knowing how or when you're going to accomplish that goal, but just having hope that someday that dream of yours will become a reality. I believe that everybody can have exactly what they want in life if they just believe. There is no limit on any greatest desires you might have! I think what really gets people is the thought of wanting more is what will leave you with nothing. What I'm really trying to say is that if you want something bad enough you can receive it. Anything is possible!

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