Monday, February 27, 2012

Reading Reflection #2

Reading Reflection

I’m in the process of reading the novel “The perks of being a wallflower.” So far I am finding it to be quite interesting because it’s written by a younger boy, so it’s amusing to see what goes through the mind of a 15 year old boy. The main character in novel doesn’t give much information about himself only his name which is Charlie because the whole point of his journal is to remain anonymous.  I like this book so far because the main character is always so honest with what he writes about. The novel is his journal so he doesn’t hold back. I find that Charlie is a bit of an odd person though. Sometimes he’ll start off his new entry saying something weird or inappropriate.  He is a very smart kid though he just seems to lack information in the social area. I’m glad I decided to pick this book up because even though my life and Charlie’s life is quite different I can relate with him on some levels since he is only a year older than me. I’m not very far in the novel so I’m mostly only reading about his days at school or his feelings towards a certain girl. He has made a few friends their names are Patrick and Sam they’re brother and sister. I’m excited to keep reading and find out more about Charlie and what kind of things he will be going through and dealing with.

1 comment:

  1. So what do you think of the diary style format? What are the benefits and drawbacks to this style of writing?


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