Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Personal Additions- Favorite Foods!

Here are a few pictures of some of the foods I love to eat! I didn't chose ALL the foods I find delicious because there would be lots and lots of food pictures. The first picture is a picture of sushi. I love sushi! I can't remember the first time I tried it..but I've been loving it ever since. The second picture I put up is a picture of chocolate covered peanuts. I love chocolate covered peanuts! They are definitely my favorite snack. The third picture is a picture of an egg sand which with bacon. That is probably my favorite breakfast! So delicious! Last but not least is a picture of a chicken ceaser salad. I love chicken ceaser salads because it's healthier and it's very easy to make! 

1 comment:

  1. These photos look tasty! I'm ten times more hungry than I was before after seeing these. If you had to choose, which one would be your number one? I enjoy all these foods too!


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